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The main purpose of corporate risk management is to detect situations that may affect the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of the company.

In today's highly competitive environment, it is essential for any company to implement a culture based on risk management, anticipating the threats that arise in the exercise of any business activity.

At Clever BoD, our objective is to add value to the company by identifying, evaluating, mitigating and managing risks, as well as ensuring that opportunities are exploited under a continuous process.

Enterprise Risk Services

Risk intelligence is a dynamic process, not a recipe for steps to follow, there is no way to avoid or isolate the organization from the uncertainty of the business environment, the only sure way is to identify threats and turn them into business opportunities.

Enterprise Risk Services Services


Risk Management

To identify the potential strategic risks for the company's core processes. Evaluate these risks and as a result design controls to mitigate risk and implement solutions. 

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We provide outsourcing services for the internal auditing function. The outsource services are based on international audit standards and risk management frameworks such as: COSO, GRC, and COBIT. 

Internal auditing

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Potential Fraud Assessment

To provide comprehensive analysis regarding internal control environment and potential fraud activities. To gain acknowledgment of the board, we must find the companies vulnerability's and come up with an action plan to hedge the risk exposure. 

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Martin martinez

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martin.martinez @


Giovanna Fernández-Dávila Cevallos
Manager Enterprise Risk Services

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Risk Management in the Boardroom

Clever BoD refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Clever BoD LLC or Legere BoD, SC, each of which is a separate legal entity.                                            

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